Secure Your Data with Proactive Theft Monitoring – Discover How with LureSec

Instant alerts when

LureSec customer dashboard showing a variety of lures including email, video, and AWS API key.
Illustration of data theft detection by LureSec

Have you been the victim of data theft or snooping?

LureSec provides advanced cybersecurity solutions with immediate data breach detection and monitoring to safeguard your digital assets.

Activate Your Lures

Easily create and deploy Lures tailored to your specific security needs.

Automated Monitoring

Lures continuously monitor for any unauthorized access, ensuring real-time protection.

Receive Instant Alerts

Get immediate notifications through Email, SMS, or integrated platforms if any Lure is triggered.

Multiple Lure Types

From Email to VPN Lures, each is designed to alert you to specific types of unauthorized access. Our Lures cover email lists, URL accesses, file openings, API key usage, and more, ensuring comprehensive monitoring of your digital assets.

Unique Domains

Several domains are available to ensure the Lures are not detectable.


Finding out why a Lure was triggered and by who is easy. The dashboard shows you full email headers as well as content, IP Addresses, and User-Agents involved in triggering the Lure which makes tracking it a breeze.

Instant alerts

Get instant alerts via Email, SMS, PagerDuty, or Slack.

Team Collaboration

With organization support you can easily invite your team to join. Control who and how can access your dashboard using admin, user, and read-only modes.

Rest API

Integrate automatically using a Rest API to generate new Lures or check whether a Lure has been triggered.

Auto-Site Update

Configure an automatic site update which can log into your site and automatically update your Lure on a weekly or monthly basis. This helps you to track down exactly when a data breach occurred.

Active suppport

We're here to help. Available by phone and email you can be sure your request will be handled quickly.