Alerts Documentation

LureSec offers several alert types which help to notify you and your team when a Lure has been triggered. Below are the alert types available

Alert Type Plan required
EmailAll plans
SMSAll plans
PagerDutyStart Up or Professional
SlackStart Up or Professional

Follow these steps to create a user.
  1. From the Dashboard on Profile on the left sidebar
  2. Click the button
  3. When prompted select the Method you'd like to be alerted through (multiple methods can be specified).
  4. Enter the data required for the Method.
  5. Click button
There may come a time where you would like to remove a contact method.
  1. From the Dashboard on Profile on the left sidebar
  2. Find the contact method you would like to remove and click on the button
  3. When prompted click
LureSec keeps a history of all alerts that were sent out. To see the history of alerts click on Alerts on the left sidebar. This will show you when an alert was sent and which methods were used.