Lure Documentation

Lures allow you to find out if your data has been leaked or snooped on. This can be anything from customer databases/marketing lists, files or directories on your system, or code repositories. Lures come in a variety of formats. The following types are currently available:

  • Email Lures
  • URL Lures
  • DNS Lures
  • Video Lures
  • PDF Lures
  • Word Lures
  • AWS API Key Lures
  • Microsoft Windows Directory Lures

Follow these steps to create your first Lure and get started right away.
  1. From the Dashboard click the button on the top left
  2. Select the Type of Lure you would like. The most common type to create would be an E-mail Lure
  3. Select the Domain you would like your Lure to use. It defaults to
  4. Add a comment which identifies where this Lure will be placed. The comment will help at a later time if the Lure has been triggered. For example, if you will be adding this Lure to an email list that you will be giving to an employee you may want to put a comment such as "Lure added to email list given to John". If this is a file based Lure you may want to indicate on which PC, laptop, or server it was placed. For example, "Lure added to personal PC", or "Lure added to server"
  5. Click the button
Make sure to configure contact methods for alerting under Profile
There may come a time where you would like to disable a Lure. This will cease all future alerts and notifications from this Lure. It will also no longer count against your Lure limits. You will still be able to view the history of this Lure.

To disable a Lure from the Dashboard click on the slider button under the Active row.
Please note, once a Lure has been disabled it cannot be re-activated.